Olga Kebas
Teacher of contemporary dance at the college of choreographic art "Serge Lyfar Kyiv Municipal Academy of Dance", dancer, performer. Since 2010 — founder and leader of the project for supporting contemporary dance in Ukraine "Collage of the Space of Action". Since 2012 — leader of the international cultural project "The interaction of dance and music". In 2014 she had a creative residency at the University of Arts in Poznan (within the Gaude Polonia scholarship program of the Ministry of culture of Poland). 2014-2016 — curator of the Performing Arts Program of The Festival of Contemporary Art GOGOLFEST.
Choreographer and performer of a numerous works in frames of choreographic, theatrical and musical festivals and concerts: GogolFest, ArtPole, Zelyonka Fest, TEDxKyiv, PushOk, Ukrainian Spring (Poland), Generator Malta (Poland), International Dance Theater Meetings (Poland).