Marcela Lopez
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She gained her formal training in dance at Reina Sofía Professional Conservatory of Dance (Spain); she has a degree of Bachelor of Performing Arts in Dance Theater of National University of the Arts (Argentina) and Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance Pedagogy at Anton Bruckner University (Austria). Her work experience includes independent performances as well as dance groups in different countries. This variety of experiences reflects on her ability to work with different qualities of movement, though she is especially focused on theatrical dance. For many years she has been professionally developing as a freelance choreographer. She is currently completing her master's degree in dance pedagogy, doing research at Anton Bruckner University (Austria).
Робота, створена в рамках Артіль арт-інкубатор – в розробці та буде представлена на Артіль мініфест 2019
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